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This page contains the chronology for the year. We summarize in this page all the relevant events regarding fountain pens that happened in 1934. We also list, if present in our database, any patent applied in the year, and also the ads or document scans which publication date is in the same year.
- Fabbrica Italiana Penne a Serbatoio Aurora introduces the Asterope
- Conway Stewart introduces the Cracked Ice celluloid
- Esterbrook introduces the Dollar Pen
- in Italy (R.D. 305 of 1934-02-05) all gold nib must be marked according to law with the thousandths inside a lozenge
- LUS starts fountain pen production
- the Simplo Fullfeder GmbH is renamed as Montblanc-Simplo GmbH
- Montblanc introduces the piston filler
- Officine Meccaniche Armando Simoni introduces the Minerva Classica
- Pagliero registers the Red Circle trademark (Reg. Gen. N. 51267)
- The Parker Pen Company introduces the Challenger
- The Parker Pen Company restyles the Parkette introducing the De Luxe version
- Günther Wagner - Pelikan retires yellow color for the 100
- Günther Wagner - Pelikan modifies Rappen nib imprint
- Günther Wagner - Pelikan introduces the Auch Pelikan pencil
- W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company introduces the Vacuum-Fil sub-brand
- W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company introduces the Wasp sub-brand
- Società Anonima Pennini King (The King) becomes Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche (SAFIS) (guess date[1])
- la Stylomine retires the retractable nib
- Wahl Eversharp patents (nº US-1980159) the Adjustable Point nib
- Zemax is founded by Massimo Zeme in Torino
Caricamento in corso...
- Patent US-1989351, applied in 1934, by Lucius A. Crowell, The Parker Pen Company. Fountain pen and other marking means.
- Patent US-D092817, applied in 1934, by Charles K. Lovejoy, Moore Pen Company. Design for a pencil clip or similar article.
- Patent US-D092212, applied in 1934, by Craig R. Sheaffer, W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company. Design for a fountain pen or similar article.
- Patent US-1965626, applied in 1934, by Gerald L. Bassett, Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co.. Twisting filler pen.
- Patent US-1978675, applied in 1934, by Russel B. Kingman, Daniel J. Mayer, Camel. Soluble ink fountain pen.
- Patent US-1966369, applied in 1934, by Steven G. Yates, David Kahn, Wearever. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-1989220, applied in 1934, by Norman E. Weigel, Wearever. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2007576, applied in 1934, by Charles K. Lovejoy, Moore Pen Company. Fountain-pen.
- Patent US-2012722, applied in 1934, by Henry Krause, Chilton. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-1983682, applied in 1934, by Walter A. Sheaffer, W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2035278, applied in 1934, by Salomon M. Sager, Sager. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-RE19167, applied in 1934, by Henry H. Polk Jr., W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2035378, applied in 1934, by Galen H. Sayler, The Parker Pen Company. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-1985643, applied in 1934, by Carl Pfanstiehl, The Parker Pen Company. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2037177, applied in 1934, by Nathan W. Paquette, The Parker Pen Company. Fountain pen.
- Patent GB-435482, applied in 1934, by Edward Stephen Sears, Swan. Improvements in or relating to Fountain Pens.
- Patent US-2102044, applied in 1934, by Milford G. Sypher, Chilton. Fountain pen and the like.
- Patent US-2154102, applied in 1934, by Lucifer J. Most, Metal & Controls Corporation. Method of manufacturing pen points, and sheet stock therefor.
- Patent US-2059577, applied in 1934, by Benjamin W. Hanle, Eagle. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-1978676, applied in 1934, by Russel B. Kingman, Camel. Soluble ink fountain pen.
- Patent GB-416648, applied in 1934, by Mark Sydney Finburgh, Wyvern Fountain Pen Company. Improvements in fountain pens.
- Patent US-2080372, applied in 1934, by Konrad Kressel, Montblanc. Tip for propelling pencils.
- Patent GB-435065, applied in 1934, by Andrew Stuart Horn, Unbranded. Improvements in or relating to Fountain or Reservoir Pens.
- Patent GB-439182, applied in 1934, by Arthur E. Andrews, Henry S. Bailey, Mentmore. Improvements in or relating to self-filling fountain pens.
- Patent US-2081538, applied in 1934, by Fred J. Hoarle, W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company. Decorative artificial product.
- Patent US-1977527, applied in 1934, by Herman Pohle, Unbranded. Four color fountain pen.
- Patent US-D094118, applied in 1934, by Seth Chilton Crocker, Chilton. Design for a fountain pen or similar article.
- Patent GB-418734, applied in 1934, by David Finburgh, Wyvern Fountain Pen Company. Improvements in or relating to Fountain Pens.
- Patent US-2037699, applied in 1934, by Leon H. Ashmore, Esterbrook. Pen and method of making the same.
- Patent US-2003479, applied in 1934, by Herbert L. Carman, Swan. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2031343, applied in 1934, by Ivan D. Tefft, The Parker Pen Company. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2002092, applied in 1934, by Louis H. Juster, Waterman. Inkwell.
- Patent DE-701860, applied in 1934, by Ernst Rösler, Kaweco, Montblanc. Korrosionsbeständige Schreibfeder, insbesondere für Füllfederhalter.
- Patent US-2004641, applied in 1934, by Roger Blomley Watson, Waterman. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-D093807, applied in 1934, by Robert Back, Wahl Eversharp. Design for a desk pen.
- Patent GB-420064, applied in 1934, by Mark Sydney Finburgh, Wyvern Fountain Pen Company. Improvements in or relating to fountain pens.
- Patent DE-645085, applied in 1934, by Mark Sydney Finburgh, Wyvern Fountain Pen Company. Fuellfederhalter mit einer den Tintenleiter durch huelsenartig gebogene Lappen umgreifenden Feder.
- Patent FR-792631, applied in 1934, by Mark Sydney Finburgh, Wyvern Fountain Pen Company. Perfectionnements aux porte-plumes réservoirs.
- Patent BE-410533, applied in 1934, by Mark Sydney Finburgh, Wyvern Fountain Pen Company. Perfectionnements aux porte-plumes réservoirs.
- Patent US-2035372, applied in 1934, by David F. Mohns, The Parker Pen Company. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2028855, applied in 1934, by Arthur Winter, Hicks, Dictator. Mechanical pencil.
- Patent FR-784223, applied in 1934, by Leopold Kutter, Météore - La Plume d'Or, Uneman. Porte-plume-réservoir.
- Patent GB-445752, applied in 1934, by Leopold Kutter, Météore - La Plume d'Or, Uneman. Improvements in and relating to Fountain Pens.
- Patent US-2092459, applied in 1934, by Leopold Kutter, Météore - La Plume d'Or, Uneman. Fountain pen.
- Patent AT-143783, applied in 1934, Météore - La Plume d'Or, Uneman. Fullfederhalter.
- Patent CH-186582, applied in 1934, Météore - La Plume d'Or, Uneman. Fullfederhalter.
- Patent CA-366351, applied in 1934, by Leopold Kutter, Météore - La Plume d'Or, Uneman. Fullfederhalter.
- Patent US-2011222, applied in 1934, by Russel B. Kingman, Camel. Soluble ink fountain pen.
- Patent US-D099183, applied in 1934, by William Bowker, Rene P. Piperoux, Unbranded. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-1998930, applied in 1934, by Russel B. Kingman, Camel. Soluble ink fountain pen.
- Patent US-2142533, applied in 1934, by Albert H. Stenersen, Wahl Eversharp. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-2025110, applied in 1934, by Russel B. Kingman, Camel. Soluble ink fountain pen.
- Patent GB-451275, applied in 1934, by Edward Stephen Sears, Swan. Improvements in self-filling fountain pens.
- Patent US-2056055, applied in 1934, by Edward Stephen Sears, Swan. Self filling fountain pen.
- Patent US-D094375, applied in 1934, by Robert Back, Wahl Eversharp. Design for a fountain pen.
- Patent US-D095882, applied in 1934, by Norman E. Weigel, Wearever. Design for a fountain pen nib.
- Patent DE-664007, applied in 1934, Montblanc. Druckfüllbleistift mit im Spitzenkörper angeordneter, unter der Wirkung eines Klemmgliedes stehender, geschlitzter, hülsenförmiger Klemmzange.
- Patent US-2019734, applied in 1934, by Salomon M. Sager, Sager. Fountain pen.
- Patent US-D094983, applied in 1934, by Louis Morrison, Morrison. Design for a fountain pen or similar article.
Caricamento in corso...