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This page contains the chronology for the year. We summarize in this page all the relevant events regarding fountain pens that happened in 1913. We also list, if present in our database, any patent applied in the year, and also the ads or document scans which publication date is in the same year.
- A. A. Waterman was refounded as The Modern Pen Company in West Virginia
- De La Rue - Onoto introduces some models in red/black mottled hard rubber called Antique (?)
- la The Parker Pen Company introduces the button filler
- la The Parker Pen Company introduces a gold ring at the cap top for women's models
- first traces of the activities of the Kritikson brothers, founders of the Security Pen Corporation
- W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company is founded by Walter A. Sheaffer in Fort Madison as W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company
- Soennecken extends the range of fountain pens with many models
- Waterman introduces the coin filler
Caricamento in corso...
- Patent US-1103349, applied in 1913, by William L. Chapman, A. A. Waterman. Fountain-pen.
- Patent GB-191303456, applied in 1913, by Harry Alphonse Widmer, Widmers Ltd Manufacturers. Improvements in and relating to Pens or Nibs.
- Patent US-1181574, applied in 1913, by Seth S. Crocker, Crocker. Fountain-pen.
- Patent US-1118240, applied in 1913, by Walter A. Sheaffer, W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company. Attachment for fountain-pens.
- Patent US-1085174, applied in 1913, by Walter A. Sheaffer, W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company. Pen-clip.
- Patent US-1079228, applied in 1913, by Alfred Farmer, De La Rue - Onoto. Fountain-pen.
- Patent GB-191322823, applied in 1913, by Alfred Soennecken, Soennecken. Fountain-pens.
- Patent AT-69881, applied in 1913, Soennecken. Füllfederhalter mit herausschraubbarer Feder.
- Patent DE-269883, applied in 1913, Soennecken. Füllfederhalter mit vor- und zurückschraubbarem Schreibfederträger.
- Patent GB-191310028, applied in 1913, by Albert David Fleishmann, Osmond Blythe Wade, Lang - Curzon - Summit. Improvements in or relating to Self-filling Reservoir Pens.
- Patent US-1081557, applied in 1913, by William W. Sanford, Sanford and Bennet. Fountain pen.
- Patent DE-268612, applied in 1913, by Hugo Stein, Unbranded. Füllfederhalter, dessen Tintenraum durch Saugwirkung gefüllt wird.
- Patent DE-273638, applied in 1913, by Cark Shicktanz, Unbranded. Füllhalter, insbesondere für Zierschrift, mit röhrenförmiger Führung für die der Schreibspitze in zusammenhängendem Strome zufließende Scrieb- ode Zichenflüssigkeit.
- Patent US-1122559, applied in 1913, by Ernest M. Wade, Lang - Curzon - Summit. Fountain or reservoir pen.
- Patent US-1130741, applied in 1913, by Charles R. Keeran, Wahl Eversharp. Mechanical pencil.
- Patent CH-66146, applied in 1913, by Alfred Soennecken, Soennecken. Füllfederhalter mit Sicherung gegen den Bruch von Innenteilen.
- Patent US-1124592, applied in 1913, by Henry R. Coit, Coit Ready Fill Pen Company. Fountain-pen.
- Patent US-1085714, applied in 1913, Inkograph. Ink-pencil.
- Patent GB-191330070, applied in 1913, by Cecil Bristow, Swan. Improvements in or relating to Magazine Pencils.