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[[Image:Montblanc-InkBottle.jpg|thumb|Calamaio da viaggio [[Montblanc]] in ebanite]]
[[Image:Montblanc-InkBottle.jpg|thumb|An ebonite [[Montblanc]] travel inkwell]]
L'<includeonly>[[ebanite]]</includeonly><noinclude>ebanite</noinclude> (''hard rubber'' e talvolta ''ebonite'' nel mondo anlosassone, ''vulcanite'' in alcune vecchie pubblicità) è un <includeonly>materiale</includeonly><noinclude>[[materiali|materiale]]</noinclude> inventato<ref>si vedano le voci [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebanite italiana] e [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebonite inglese] di Wikipedia sull'ebanite, che presentano però delle discordanze, in particolare sull'attribuzione dell'invenzione a O. Meyer e a T. Hancock per la prima e a ''Charles Goodyear'' per la seconda.</ref> nel 1843 e prodotto con un procedimento di vulcanizzazione della gomma in cui la gomma naturale viene mescolata ad una percentuale variabile (dal 20 al 50%) di zolfo, ed indurita mantenendola ad alta temperatura per un tempo prolungato (alcune ore intorno ai 150°). L'ebanite viene generalmente prodotta in fogli, barre o lastre, che devono essere successivamente lavorati, non è infatti possibile una realizzazione a stampo.
The <includeonly>[[Ebonite]]</includeonly><noinclude>Ebonite</noinclude> (often called ''hard rubber'' or also ''vulcanite'' in some old advertisements) is a <includeonly>material</includeonly><noinclude>[[materials|material]]</noinclude> invented<ref>see the [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebanite italian] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebonite english] entries of Wikipedia, which, however, present some discrepancies, in particular on the attribution of the invention to O. Meyer and T. Hancock for the first and Charles Goodyear for the second.</ref> in 1843 and produced by a rubber vulcanization process in which the natural rubber is mixed with a variable percentage (from 20 to 50%) of sulfur, and hardened by keeping it at high temperature for a prolonged time (a few hours around 150°C). Hard rubber is generally produced in sheets, bars or slabs, which must be subsequently processed; in fact, it is not possible to make it with a mould.
L'ebanite è un materiale duro e fragile, molto resistente alla corrosione da parte degli acidi, e si ammorbidisce quando viene scaldato. E' un ottimo isolante elettrico. Risulta di facile lavorazione ed è stata utilizzata sia per la costruzione di oggetti che come isolante elettrico (uso che mantiene ancora oggi). Deve il suo nome<ref>in inglese ''ebonite'', ma molto più comunemente ''hard rubber'' dato che ''ebonite'' era un nome commerciale.</ref> all'essere stata impiegata inizialmente come sostituto dell'ebano. La sue caratteristiche di resistenza agli agenti chimici la han vista impiegare per molti anni come isolante, rivestimento di parti soggette a corrosione e come involucro delle batterie delle auto.
Ebonite is a hard and brittle material, very resistant to corrosion by acids, and softens when heated. It is an excellent electrical insulator. It is easy to process and has been used both for the construction of objects and as an electrical insulator (use that still holds today). It owes its name<ref>the ''ebonite'' one, still beeing much more commonly called ''hard rubber'' as ''ebonite'' was a trade name.</ref> because it was initially used as a substitute for ebony. Its chemical resistance characteristics have seen it used for many years as an insulator, coating for corrosion-prone parts and as a battery case for cars.
L'ebanite costituisce il primo materiale utilizzato per la produzione di penne stilografiche, in uso fin dai primi esemplari prodotti alla fine del 1800. Se anche alcuni oggetti considerati ''precursori'' della penna stilografica vennero realizzati in metallo, le prime stilografiche nacquero sostanzialmente in conseguenza della invenzione di questo materiale, che con le sue caratteristiche di lavorabilità, inerzia chimica (e conseguente resistenza alla corrosione), si rivelò ottimale per la costruzione del quel ''serbatoio'' di inchiostro che era in effetti il componente principale delle prime stilografiche, e questo anche grazie alle sue caratteristiche di isolante termico, che evitano la trasmissione del calore della mano all'aria del serbatoio, con conseguente aumento di pressione e perdita di inchiostro.  
Ebonite is the first material used for the production of fountain pens, in use since the first examples produced at the end of 1800. If even some objects considered as "precursors" of the fountain pen were made of metal, the first fountain pens were born substantially as a result of the invention of this material, which with its characteristics of ease of use, chemical inertia (and consequent resistance to corrosion), proved to be optimal for the construction of that "reservoir" of ink that was in fact the main component of the first fountain pens, and this also thanks to its characteristics of thermal insulation, which avoid the transmission of heat from the hand to the air of the reservoir, with a consequent increase in pressure and loss of ink.  
[[File:Swan-SelfFiller-SF2-Inscr.jpg|left|thumb|Esempio di scoloritura di una [[Swan]] in ebanite]]
[[File:Swan-SelfFiller-SF2-NoClipBCHR-Inscr.jpg|left|thumb|Example of discoloration of a [[Swan]] in ebonite]]
Il materiale soffre però di elevata fragilità meccanica, che rende le penne in ebanite poco resistenti ad urti e cadute, in questo caso la neutralità chimica si dimostra un difetto in quanto rende quasi impossibile incollare fra loro pezzi di ebanite in maniera resistente. Tuttavia è possibile ricostruire parti mancanti con polvere di ebanite e cianoacrilato.<ref>vedi [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9228#p115300 questa discussione].</ref> Inoltre con l'esposizione alla luce, all'umidità ed al calore lo zolfo presente nel materiale tende ad ossidarsi, e ad affiorare sulla superficie, colorandola con una sorta di pellicola opaca marrone scuro che rimuove la lucentezza della lucidatura originale. Questa patina è indice dell'età di una penna, e anche se oggi esistono prodotti che possono invertire il processo e riportare il materiale alla lucentezza originaria, l'opportunità di una tale operazione viene messa in discussione da coloro che non la ritengono rispettosa dello stato della penna.<ref>vedi [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2134 questa discussione].</ref>
The material, however, suffers from high mechanical fragility, which makes the ebonite pens not very resistant to shocks and falls, in this case the chemical neutrality proves a defect as it makes it almost impossible to glue pieces of ebonite together in a resistant manner.<ref>see [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9228#p115300 this discussion].</ref> Furthermore, with exposure to light, humidity and heat, the sulphur present in the material tends to oxidise, and to emerge on the surface, colouring it with a sort of dark brown opaque film that removes the lustre of the original polish. This patina is an indication of the age of a pen, and even if today there are products that can reverse the process and bring the material back to its original shine, the opportunity for such an operation is questioned by those who do not consider it respectful of the state of the pen.<ref>see [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2134 this discussion].</ref>
Oltre alla fragilità meccanica, l'altro difetto fondamentale dell'ebanite, almeno dal punto di vista dei produttori di stilografiche, è relativo alla sostanziale impossibilità di colorazione. Per questo motivo a lungo le due modalità che permettevano di arricchire l'aspetto estetico delle penne erano la cesellatura, cui l'ebanite si presta con relativa facilità, ed il rivestimento con scheletri in metallo lavorato. Nel primo caso si ha quella che viene chiamata in gergo ''Black Chased Hard Rubber'' ([[BCHR]], ebanite nera cesellata), nel secondo le innumerevoli varianti dei [[overlay|rivestimenti]].
In addition to mechanical fragility, the other fundamental defect of ebonite, at least from the point of view of fountain pen manufacturers, is the substantial impossibility of colouring. For this reason, for a long time, the two ways of enriching the aesthetic aspect of pens were chiselling, to which ebonite lends itself with relative ease, and coating with machined metal skeletons. In the first case we have what is called in jargon ''Black Chased Hard Rubber'' ([[BCHR]]), in the second case the countless variations of the [[overlay|coatings]].
Il colore naturale dell'ebanite infatti è il nero, gli unici altri colori ottenibili con relativa facilità sono l'arancio, grazie all'uso di cinabro, o il rosso scuro (con l'uso di ematite).<ref>per maggiori dettagli tecnici si può fare riferimento a questo [https://web.archive.org/web/20120106092952/http://www.kamakurapens.com/Archive/TheRHRPen.html articolo].</ref> Questo ha dato luogo a diverse lavorazioni, dalla classica [[RHR|ebanite rossa]], alle varie combinazioni fra ebanite rossa e nera ([[Mottled]], [[Rippled]], ecc.) fino alla produzione, portata avanti sostanzialmente dalla sola [[Waterman]]<ref>anche se sono noti [[Tibaldi Flattop|modelli]] [[Tibaldi]] in ebanite colorata.</ref> nella sua ostinazione a non abbandonare questo materiale, di colori come il verde, l'azzurro, il giallo ed il rosa. Ma alla fine nessuno di questi colori poteva competere con la brillantezza offerta dai nuovi materiali, ed in particolare dalla [[celluloide]], e l'ebanite è stata progressivamente abbandonata come materiale usato per il corpo della penna, restando impiegata però fino ai nostri giorni nella produzione degli [[alimentatori]].<ref>anche se oggi questo avviene solo per le penne di maggior pregio, dato che questo materiale non può essere lavorato a stampo.</ref>
The natural color of ebonite is black, the only other colors that can be obtained with relative ease are orange, thanks to the use of cinnabar, or dark red (with the use of hematite).<ref>for more technical details you can refer to this [https://web.archive.org/web/20120106092952/http://www.kamakurapens.com/Archive/TheRHRPen.html article].</ref> This has given rise to several processes, from the classic [[RHR|red hard rubber]], to the various combinations of red and black ebonite ([[Mottled]], [[Rippled]], etc..) up to the production, carried out essentially by the [[Waterman]]<ref>even if some [[Tibaldi]] [[Tibaldi Flattop|models]] in coloured ebonite are known.</ref> in its obstinacy not to abandon this material, of colours such as green, blue, yellow and pink. But in the end none of these colours could compete with the brilliance offered by the new materials, and in particular by the [[celluloid]], and ebonite has been progressively abandoned as a material used for the body of the pen, remaining however used until today in the production of the [[feed]]s.<ref>even if today this happens only for the most valuable pens, since this material cannot be moulded.</ref>
== Note ==
== Notes ==
== External References ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120106092952/http://www.kamakurapens.com/Archive/TheRHRPen.html] Article about red ebonite
* [http://www.bouncing-balls.com/chemistry_tech_conservation/ageing.htm] On the degradation of vulcanised rubber
== Riferimenti Esterni ==
* [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2134] A forum discussion about ebonite cleaning
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120106092952/http://www.kamakurapens.com/Archive/TheRHRPen.html] Articolo sull'ebanite rossa
* [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9228#p115300] A discussion on the reconstruction of ebonite with cyanoacrylate
* [http://www.bouncing-balls.com/chemistry_tech_conservation/ageing.htm] Sulla degradazione della gomma vulcanizzata
[[Category:Translated Pages]]
* [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2134] Una discussione sul forum a proposito della pulizia dell'ebanite
* [http://forum.fountainpen.it/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9228#p115300] Una discussione sulla ricostruzione dell'ebanite con cianoacrilato

Versione delle 20:18, 15 feb 2020

An ebonite Montblanc travel inkwell

The Ebonite (often called hard rubber or also vulcanite in some old advertisements) is a material invented[1] in 1843 and produced by a rubber vulcanization process in which the natural rubber is mixed with a variable percentage (from 20 to 50%) of sulfur, and hardened by keeping it at high temperature for a prolonged time (a few hours around 150°C). Hard rubber is generally produced in sheets, bars or slabs, which must be subsequently processed; in fact, it is not possible to make it with a mould.

Ebonite is a hard and brittle material, very resistant to corrosion by acids, and softens when heated. It is an excellent electrical insulator. It is easy to process and has been used both for the construction of objects and as an electrical insulator (use that still holds today). It owes its name[2] because it was initially used as a substitute for ebony. Its chemical resistance characteristics have seen it used for many years as an insulator, coating for corrosion-prone parts and as a battery case for cars.

Ebonite is the first material used for the production of fountain pens, in use since the first examples produced at the end of 1800. If even some objects considered as "precursors" of the fountain pen were made of metal, the first fountain pens were born substantially as a result of the invention of this material, which with its characteristics of ease of use, chemical inertia (and consequent resistance to corrosion), proved to be optimal for the construction of that "reservoir" of ink that was in fact the main component of the first fountain pens, and this also thanks to its characteristics of thermal insulation, which avoid the transmission of heat from the hand to the air of the reservoir, with a consequent increase in pressure and loss of ink.

Example of discoloration of a Swan in ebonite

The material, however, suffers from high mechanical fragility, which makes the ebonite pens not very resistant to shocks and falls, in this case the chemical neutrality proves a defect as it makes it almost impossible to glue pieces of ebonite together in a resistant manner.[3] Furthermore, with exposure to light, humidity and heat, the sulphur present in the material tends to oxidise, and to emerge on the surface, colouring it with a sort of dark brown opaque film that removes the lustre of the original polish. This patina is an indication of the age of a pen, and even if today there are products that can reverse the process and bring the material back to its original shine, the opportunity for such an operation is questioned by those who do not consider it respectful of the state of the pen.[4]

In addition to mechanical fragility, the other fundamental defect of ebonite, at least from the point of view of fountain pen manufacturers, is the substantial impossibility of colouring. For this reason, for a long time, the two ways of enriching the aesthetic aspect of pens were chiselling, to which ebonite lends itself with relative ease, and coating with machined metal skeletons. In the first case we have what is called in jargon Black Chased Hard Rubber (BCHR), in the second case the countless variations of the coatings.

The natural color of ebonite is black, the only other colors that can be obtained with relative ease are orange, thanks to the use of cinnabar, or dark red (with the use of hematite).[5] This has given rise to several processes, from the classic red hard rubber, to the various combinations of red and black ebonite (Mottled, Rippled, etc..) up to the production, carried out essentially by the Waterman[6] in its obstinacy not to abandon this material, of colours such as green, blue, yellow and pink. But in the end none of these colours could compete with the brilliance offered by the new materials, and in particular by the celluloid, and ebonite has been progressively abandoned as a material used for the body of the pen, remaining however used until today in the production of the feeds.[7]


  1. see the italian and english entries of Wikipedia, which, however, present some discrepancies, in particular on the attribution of the invention to O. Meyer and T. Hancock for the first and Charles Goodyear for the second.
  2. the ebonite one, still beeing much more commonly called hard rubber as ebonite was a trade name.
  3. see this discussion.
  4. see this discussion.
  5. for more technical details you can refer to this article.
  6. even if some Tibaldi models in coloured ebonite are known.
  7. even if today this happens only for the most valuable pens, since this material cannot be moulded.

External References

  • [1] Article about red ebonite
  • [2] On the degradation of vulcanised rubber
  • [3] A forum discussion about ebonite cleaning
  • [4] A discussion on the reconstruction of ebonite with cyanoacrylate