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Trovate 2 traduzioni.

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 h inglese (en)The ''Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co.'' was officially born with this name in Toledo, Ohio, in [[1901]], but the company was founded by ''Roy Conklin'' as ''Self-Filling Fountain Pen Company'' in [[1898]] together with C. B. Gundy. The previous year ''Roy Conklin'' had registered the patent for the first working automatic filling system created for a pen.
 h italiano (it)La ''Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co'' nacque ufficialmente con questo nome a Toledo, in Ohio, nel [[1901]], ma la ditta era stata fondata nel [[1898]] da ''Roy Conklin'' come ''Self-Filling Fountain Pen Company'' insieme a C. B. Gundy dopo che nell'anno precedente lo stesso ''Roy Conklin'' aveva registrato il brevetto del primo vero sistema di riempimento automatico creato per una penna stilografica.