
nessun oggetto della modifica
Riga 12: Riga 12:  
In the systems illustrated in this section, the body of the pen also acts as a tank, and there is no mechanism to automate the loading of the ink, which is usually entered by an eyedropper; the variants proposed relate only to the different methods used to give access to the tank.
In the systems illustrated in this section, the body of the pen also acts as a tank, and there is no mechanism to automate the loading of the ink, which is usually entered by an eyedropper; the variants proposed relate only to the different methods used to give access to the tank.
=== ''[[eyedropper filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[eyedropper filler/en|eyedropper filler]]'' ===
{{:eyedropper filler/en}}
{{:eyedropper filler/en}}
   Riga 23: Riga 23:  
=== security eyedropper ===
=== security eyedropper ===
This "system" is found exclusively on Japanese pens, and can be considered a variant of the [[plunger filler]] of the [[Onoto]], from which it was probably inspired. On a mechanical level, in fact, the mechanism is essentially identical, but in this case it is not used to fill the pen, but only to block the flow of ink to the nib when the pen is closed. It is not known an inventor of this mechanism, that it is found on around all Japanese pens produced until the years '30 from companies like the [[Pilot]] and the [[Sailor]].
This "system" was found almost exclusively on Japanese pens, and can be considered a variant of the [[plunger filler]] of the [[Onoto]], from which it was probably inspired. On a mechanical level, in fact, the mechanism is essentially identical, but in this case it is not used to fill the pen, but only to block the flow of ink to the nib when the pen is closed. It is not known an inventor of this mechanism, that it is found on around all Japanese pens produced until the years '30 from companies like the [[Pilot]] and the [[Sailor]].
[[Image:JapaneseEyedropper.svg|center|500px|Diagram of a pen with [[safety eyedropper]] filling system]]
[[Image:JapaneseEyedropper.svg|center|500px|Diagram of a pen with [[safety eyedropper]] filling system]]
Riga 31: Riga 31:  
In order to write it is necessary to unscrew the bottom and slightly withdraw the shaft attached to it, so as to retract the piston from its blocked position and re-enable the flow of ink towards the nib. Closing the bottom will stop the ink flow again, thus preventing leaks.
In order to write it is necessary to unscrew the bottom and slightly withdraw the shaft attached to it, so as to retract the piston from its blocked position and re-enable the flow of ink towards the nib. Closing the bottom will stop the ink flow again, thus preventing leaks.
== Direct compressio of the ''sac'' ==
== Direct compression of the ''sac'' ==
At the beginning of the 1900's, there was a great impulse in the search for a system that would allow the filling operation to be carried out automatically. During this period, a series of filling systems began to be produced, in which the ink was kept inside an elastic rubber sac. In this way it was possible to carry out the loading by compressing the empty sac, so as to exploit the subsequent expansion of the same to suck the ink from the bottle by immersing the nib assembly.
At the beginning of the 1900's, there was a great impulse in the search for a system that would allow the filling operation to be carried out automatically. During this period, a series of filling systems began to be produced, in which the ink was kept inside an elastic rubber sac. In this way it was possible to carry out the loading by compressing the empty sac, so as to exploit the subsequent expansion of the same to suck the ink from the bottle by immersing the nib assembly.
Riga 74: Riga 74:  
{{:hatchet filler/en}}
{{:hatchet filler/en}}
=== ''[[levetta di fondo]]'' ===
=== ''[[levetta di fondo|bottom lever filler]]'' ===
{{:levetta di fondo/en}}
{{:levetta di fondo/en}}
   Riga 87: Riga 87:  
{{:twist filler/en}}
{{:twist filler/en}}
=== ''[[leverless]]'' ===
=== ''[[leverless filler]]'' ===
{{:leverless filler/en}}
{{:leverless filler/en}}
   Riga 93: Riga 93:  
{{:switch filler/en}}
{{:switch filler/en}}
== Caricamenti pneumatici ==
== Pneumatic fillers ==
Si sono classificati in questa sezione i sistemi di caricamento basati sulla compressione pneumatica di un sacchetto di gomma flessibile. Quest'ultimo viene cioè compresso dalla pressione atmosferica generata dal sistema di caricamento per farne uscire l'aria che verrà sostituita dall'inchiostro nella fase di decompressione in cui il sacchetto si riporta, per elasticità, alle sue dimensioni normali.
This section classifies loading systems based on the pneumatic compression of a flexible rubber sac. The latter is compressed by the atmospheric pressure generated by the filling system to release the air that will be replaced by the ink during the decompression phase, when the sac returns to its normal size due to its elasticity.
=== ''[[blow filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[blow filler]]'' ===
{{:blow filler}}
{{:blow filler/en}}
=== ''[[pneumatic filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[pneumatic filler]]'' ===
{{:pneumatic filler}}
{{:pneumatic filler/en}}
=== ''[[Touch Down]]'' ===
=== ''[[Touch Down]]'' ===
{{:Touch Down}}
{{:Touch Down/en}}
=== ''[[snorkel filler|snorkel]]'' ===
=== ''[[snorkel filler|snorkel]]'' ===
{{:snorkel filler}}
{{:snorkel filler/en}}
== Caricamenti a sfiatatoio ==
== Breather tube fillers ==
Questi sistemi di caricamento sono accomunati dallo sfruttare la presenza di un tubetto con funzioni di [[sfiatatoio]] (il cosiddetto ''[[breather tube]]'') che consente di eseguire il caricamento ripetendo più volte una qualche azione meccanica (diversa a seconda dei diversi sistemi di caricamento) che consente di creare una compressione dell'aria all'interno del serbatoio della penna. Le varietà di maniere in cui questa compressione viene effettuata è risultata estremamente ampia, ma nella maggior parte dei casi prevede un qualche meccanismo che agisce su un bulbo flessibile.  
These filling systems have in common the use of the presence of a ''[[breather tube]]'' which allows to perform the refill by repeating several times some mechanical action (different depending on the different filling systems) which allows to create a compression of the air inside the pen tank. The variety of ways in which this compression is carried out has been extremely wide, but in most cases provides some mechanism that acts on a flexible bulb, even if there are alternative mechanisms, such as the one found on some [[Ancora Lusso]] in which the depression is done with a very short running piston.  
Lo sfiatatoio è inserito nell'alimentatore e mantenuto in posizione centrale rispetto al corpo della penna che normalmente viene a svolgere la funzione di serbatoio. In fase di compressione l'aria presente esce dallo sfiatatoio, da cui, a causa della depressione venutasi a creare, viene caricato l'inchiostro che finisce nel serbatoio; la presenza dello sfiatatoio fa sì che l'inchiostro caricato non venga espulso nelle successive fasi di compressione, fintanto che non si arrivi a riempire tutto il serbatoio fino al livello dello sfiatatoio.
The breather tube is inserted in the feeder and kept in a central position with respect to the body of the pen, which normally acts as a tank. During the compression phase, the air in the pen comes out of the blowhole, from which, due to the depression created, the ink that ends up in the tank is loaded; the presence of the blowhole means that the ink loaded is not expelled in the subsequent compression phases, until the entire tank is filled up to the level of the blowhole.
La presenza dello sfiatatoio in alcune realizzazioni ha inoltre un secondo effetto positivo perché consente di equilibrare immediatamente la pressione dell'aria interna al corpo della penna con quella dell'aria esterna, dato che in questo caso lo sfiatatoio fornisce una via di comunicazione fra interno ed esterno, si evitano così i vari problemi di fuoriuscita dell'inchiostro in caso di sbalzi di pressione.  
The presence of the breather tube in some realizations also has a second positive effect because it allows to immediately balance the pressure of the air inside the pen body with that of the external air, since in this case the breather provides a way of communication between inside and outside, thus avoiding the various problems of leakage of the ink in case of pressure changes.  
=== ''[[bulb filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[bulb filler]]'' ===
{{:bulb filler}}
{{:bulb filler/en}}
=== ''[[caricamento Vacumatic|vacumatic]]'' ===
=== ''[[caricamento Vacumatic|vacumatic]]'' ===
{{:Vacumatic filler}}
{{:Vacumatic filler/en}}
=== ''[[aerometric filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[aerometric filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[stantuffo tuffante]]'' ===
=== ''[[stantuffo tuffante]]'' ===
{{:stantuffo tuffante}}
{{:stantuffo tuffante/en}}
=== ''[[Ink-Vue filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[Ink-Vue filler]]'' ===
{{:Ink-Vue filler}}
{{:Ink-Vue filler/en}}
=== ''[[Visofil filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[Visofil filler]]'' ===
{{:Visofil filler}}
{{:Visofil filler/en}}
=== ''[[accordion filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[accordion filler]]'' ===
{{:accordion filler}}
{{:accordion filler/en}}
== Caricamenti a depressione ==
== Vacuum fillers ==
Si sono riuniti in questo gruppo tutti quei sistemi che prevedono che il caricamento avvenga attraverso la realizzazione di una depressione all'interno del corpo della penna in modo che l'inchiostro venga risucchiato tramite questa. In questo caso è in genere il corpo stesso della penna a fare da serbatoio, e può essere costruito in materiale trasparente così da consentire la visualizzazione del livello di inchiostro.
This group brings together all those systems that require that the filling takes place through the creation of a depression inside the body of the pen so that the ink is sucked through it. In this case it is generally the body of the pen itself that acts as a reservoir, and can be made of transparent material so as to allow the visualization of the ink level.
Come per gli altri sistemi che usano il corpo della penna come serbatoio anche in questo caso si ha il vantaggio di poter disporre di un maggior volume per contenere l'inchiostro, ma si ripresenta lo svantaggio che l'aria residua contenuta nel serbatoio è sensibile alle variazioni di temperatura, il che rende più facile, per l'aumento di volume in caso di riscaldamento, i casi di perdite di inchiostro, specie quando la penna è quasi scarica ed il volume di aria maggiore.
As with other systems that use the pen body as a reservoir, this also has the advantage of having a greater volume to contain the ink, but the disadvantage is that the residual air contained in the reservoir is sensitive to changes in temperature, which makes it easier, due to the increase in volume in case of heating, the cases of leakage of ink, especially when the pen is almost discharged and the volume of air is greater.
=== ''[[pump filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[pump filler]]'' ===
{{:pump filler}}
{{:pump filler/en}}
=== ''[[syringe filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[syringe filler]]'' ===
{{:syringe filler}}
{{:syringe filler/en}}
=== ''[[plunger filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[plunger filler]]'' ===
{{:plunger filler}}
{{:plunger filler/en}}
=== ''[[piston filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[piston filler]]'' ===
{{:piston filler}}
{{:piston filler/en}}
== Altri ==
== Others ==
Si sono riuniti in quest'ultimo gruppo tutti gli altri sistemi di caricamento, accomunati proprio dal fatto di non aver un fattore comune che consente di classificarli in maniera omogenea.
All the other filling systems have been brought together in the latter group, which have in common the fact that they do not have a common factor that allows them to be classified in a homogeneous manner.
=== ''[[capillarity filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[capillarity filler]]'' ===
{{:capillarity filler}}
{{:capillarity filler/en}}
=== ''[[cartridge filler]]'' ===
=== ''[[cartridge filler]]'' ===
{{:cartridge filler}}
{{:cartridge filler/en}}
=== ''[[converter]]'' ===
=== ''[[converter]]'' ===
== Riferimenti esterni ==
== External references ==
* [] Page of the original sketches used in this page
* [] Page on filling systems from Richard Binder's website
* [] Page on filling systems from David Nishimura website
* [] Page on filling systems from Penspotters
* [] Article about filling systems on PenTrace, first part
* [] Article about filling systems on PenTrace, second part
* [] Article of Jim Mamoulides  on [[Parker]]'s [[button filler]]s
* [] Article on Penexchange on [[piston filler]]
* [] Article on Penexchange on pneumatic fillers
* [] Article on Penexchange on [[button filler]]s
== Note ==
== Notes ==
== Ringraziamenti ==
== Thanks ==
Un grazie di cuore a Fabio Moricci, il [ Pennaio], che ci ha gentilmente concesso l'uso dei suoi schizzi come base per la realizzazione degli schemi tecnici dei vari sistemi di caricamento.
A big thanks to Fabio Moricci, the [ Pennaio], who kindly gave us the use of his sketches as a basis for the realization of the technical diagrams of the various loading systems.