Help:Upload a calligraphy book

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This page is a translated version of the page Aiuto:Caricare un testo di calligrafia and the translation is 100% complete.

Scans of calligraphy books that are part of the Shared library must also follow a minimum naming convention, and above all, in order to be classified and included in the table on the cited page, they must contain an adequate wiki text with auxiliary information.

The following convention has been adopted for file names, which makes it easier to identify and search for them in the automatically generated image gallery at this address, with names in the form:


trying not to exaggerate in the length which makes it complicated to reuse the wiki name. The name in fact must only serve to uniquely identify the file giving an idea of what it contains, the complete data is managed within the page of the file itself, in the wiki text that it must contain.

The text to be inserted (when uploading the book, or later) must have the following form, which can be copied on the page taking care to modify with the correct data the parts after the character "=" (the rest must remain identical so as not to spoil the operation of the template that manages the information):

|Description=Scanning a First Name text Last Name
|Source=Original text
|Author=Reference to the author of the scan
|Permission=GFDL (or other license)
|Autore=First Name Surname (if more than one separate with commas)
|Titolo=Complete title including subtitle and additional specifications
|Anno=1914 (only the digit, if you want to put a precise date use the format YYYY-MM-DD)
|Editore=Publisher name - City (if known)
|Pagine=44 (only the number, in decimal!)
|Edizione=XVIII (number, letter, short string)
|Prezzo=L. 4,50 (short string, with currency)
|Note_it=description notes, in Italian also on several lines
|Note_en=description notes, in English even on multiple lines
[[Category:Testi Libreria Condivisa]]