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Riga 1: Riga 1:
The ''spoon filler'' owes its name to the shape of the bar used to compress the tank, which is similar to that of a spoon. In this case, the pressure is exerted on the enlarged end of the spoon, which is accessed by unscrewing a blind cap placed on the bottom of the pen barrel. The bar is properly hinged to the bottom of the barrel, so that the pressure on the ''spoon'', moving the internal section of the bar, causes it to press on the sac.
<noinclude>{{ReferBox|Filling systems}}</noinclude>The ''spoon filler'' owes its name to the shape of the bar used to compress the tank, which is similar to that of a spoon. In this case, the pressure is exerted on the enlarged end of the spoon, which is accessed by unscrewing a blind cap placed on the bottom of the pen barrel. The bar is properly hinged to the bottom of the barrel, so that the pressure on the ''spoon'', moving the internal section of the bar, causes it to press on the sac.

Versione attuale delle 21:38, 27 ago 2019

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Definizione del messaggio (Spoon filler)
<noinclude>{{ReferBox|Sistemi di caricamento}}</noinclude>Il sistema di caricamento denominato ''spoon filler'' nel mondo anglosassone (traducibile in ''"a cucchiaio"'' da noi) deve il nome alla forma della barra con cui si va ad eseguire la compressione del serbatoio, che ricorda appunto quella di un cucchiaio. In questo caso la pressione viene esercitata sull'estremità allargata del cucchiaio, a cui si accede svitando un fondello di copertura posto sul fondo del corpo della penna. La barra è opportunamente incernierata al fondo del fusto, così che la pressione sul ''cucchiaio'', spostando solidalmente la sezione interna della barra, fa sì che questa vada a premere sul sacchetto.
Traduzione<noinclude>{{ReferBox|Filling systems}}</noinclude>The ''spoon filler'' owes its name to the shape of the bar used to compress the tank, which is similar to that of a spoon. In this case, the pressure is exerted on the enlarged end of the spoon, which is accessed by unscrewing a blind cap placed on the bottom of the pen barrel. The bar is properly hinged to the bottom of the barrel, so that the pressure on the ''spoon'', moving the internal section of the bar, causes it to press on the sac.
Filling systems

The spoon filler owes its name to the shape of the bar used to compress the tank, which is similar to that of a spoon. In this case, the pressure is exerted on the enlarged end of the spoon, which is accessed by unscrewing a blind cap placed on the bottom of the pen barrel. The bar is properly hinged to the bottom of the barrel, so that the pressure on the spoon, moving the internal section of the bar, causes it to press on the sac.