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Versione attuale delle 01:13, 31 ago 2019

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Definizione del messaggio (Pneumatic filler)
Il fusto esterno della penna aveva, come per il ''[[blow filler]]'' un foro di areazione sul fondo. Il riempimento si otteneva facendo scorrere indietro il corpo della per poi riportarlo in posizione tenendo chiuso con un dito il foro sul fondo. In questo modo la pressione generata sul sacchetto ne provoca la compressione, ma una volta lasciato libero il foro di areazione la successiva espansione del sacchetto causa la suzione dell'inchiostro.
TraduzioneThe outer barrel of the pen had, as for the ''[[blow filler]]'' an aeration hole on the bottom. The filling was obtained by sliding back the body of the pen and then bringing it back into position by keeping the hole in the bottom closed with a finger. In this way the pressure generated on the sac causes its compression, but once left free the aeration hole the subsequent expansion of the sac causes the suction of the ink.

The outer barrel of the pen had, as for the blow filler an aeration hole on the bottom. The filling was obtained by sliding back the body of the pen and then bringing it back into position by keeping the hole in the bottom closed with a finger. In this way the pressure generated on the sac causes its compression, but once left free the aeration hole the subsequent expansion of the sac causes the suction of the ink.