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Riga 1: Riga 1:
[[Gold Starry]] was one of the first French companies to use the [[celluloid]] getting excellent quality colored pens with vibrant colors and with gold plated finish and gold nibs, able to compete with imported American pens. Around [[1929]] the earlier models were discontinued and a new range of [[celluloid]] pens was launched, in black, red and white marble, lapis blue, cardinal red, green jade and jasper. There were also made ​some solid gold pens.
''Gold Starry'' was one of the first French companies to use the [[celluloid]] getting excellent quality colored pens with vibrant colors and with gold plated finish and gold nibs, able to compete with imported American pens. Around [[1929]] the earlier models were discontinued and a new range of [[celluloid]] pens was launched, in black, red and white marble, lapis blue, cardinal red, green jade and jasper. There were also made ​some solid gold pens.

Versione attuale delle 02:36, 25 nov 2020

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Definizione del messaggio (Gold Starry)
La ''Gold Starry'' fu una delle primi ditte francesi ad utilizzare la [[celluloide]] ottenendo penne colorate di ottima qualità con colori vivaci, dotate di finiture placcate e pennini in oro, in grado di competere con le penne americane di importazione. Nel [[1929]] circa i modelli precedenti vennero dismessi e venne lanciata una nuova gamma in [[celluloide]] nei colori nero, rosso e nero marmorizzato, blu lapislazzulo, rosso cardinale, verde giada e diaspro. Vennero inoltre realizzate penne in oro massiccio.
Traduzione''Gold Starry'' was one of the first French companies to use the [[celluloid]] getting excellent quality colored pens with vibrant colors and with gold plated finish and gold nibs, able to compete with imported American pens. Around [[1929]] the earlier models were discontinued and a new range of [[celluloid]] pens was launched, in black, red and white marble, lapis blue, cardinal red, green jade and jasper. There were also made ​some solid gold pens.

Gold Starry was one of the first French companies to use the celluloid getting excellent quality colored pens with vibrant colors and with gold plated finish and gold nibs, able to compete with imported American pens. Around 1929 the earlier models were discontinued and a new range of celluloid pens was launched, in black, red and white marble, lapis blue, cardinal red, green jade and jasper. There were also made ​some solid gold pens.