Template:Cite patent

{{{1}}} patent  {{{2}}}



{{Cite patent
 | two letter country code
 | patent or patent application publication number

Notes and warnings:

This is intended as a very simple citation template for identifying a patent within the text of an article.


Simple patent template for citing patents or patent applications from any country in the esp@cenet database. This database is more useful than the USPTO database since it highlights related patents/applications in other countries, provides current status information, and is available in three languages.
Enter the two letter country code (eg US or EP) as the first parameter and the patent number or patent application publication number (without any intervening commas) as the second parameter.
Add the word "application" (without quotes) as a third parameter if you are citing a patent application rather than a patent. Patent applications must be referred to by publication number, not application number.
Help for getting the right number format can be found here.


To cite US patent 7,143,445, use:

{{Cite patent|US|7143445}}

Results in: US patent  7143445

To cite WIPO (aka PCT/International) patent application WO 2005/083605 A1, use:

{{Cite patent|WO|2005083605}}

Results in: WO patent  2005083605

Note the removal of the "/". Removing the leading zero was not necessary as it was already six digits.


Taken by the Cite patent template from Wikipedia and modified to work and get the right page.