This page contains the names of a series of minor trademarks of which very little information is available, essentially the name and nationality and little else. The page is basically a collection point for references to these trademarks, and a notebook where you can note the few data relating to them. The information is therefore extremely limited and fragmented.

Alba/enArgument/enAtena/enAtlantica/enAurea/enBoralevi/enBrause/enBurnham/enBöhler/enCISEA/enConté/enCorona Co./enCorona di Mario Diaz/enEro/enEuropa/enEverest/enEvergood/enFor Ever/enGiacomazzi/enHardtmuth/enImperial/enInoxcrom/enItalpen/enLittoria/enMastilo/enMengoni/enMerz & Krell/enNational/enPerop/enPlexor/enStandard/en
