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Cover of the book celebrating Luxor 25 years

The Luxor was founded in 1925 in Heidelberg by Heinrich Hebborn.

Benché il nome ufficiale dell'azienda sia H. Hebborn & Co. essa è universalmente nota con il nome del suo marchio principale, Luxor; oltre a questo, mantenendo una ispirazione ai temi dell'antico Egitto, venne usato come marchio secondario anche Sphinx. Nel 1938 la ditta spostò gli impianti produttivi a Colonia.

In the '40s, the company invented a telescopic piston filler with two concentric sections which allowed to have a much shorter mechanism, resulting in more space for the ink reservoir. The mechanism was mounted on a model called Teleskop, and it seems that it is the same one that was later adopted also by Montblanc for its flagship models of the series 130 and 140.

Other well-known names for the models produced by the company are the following: Visible , ...

The activities of the Luxor ended around the 70s with the acquisition by the Parker German branch, and today the brand is no more.

External references
