
Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  5 anni fa
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This page contains the names of a series of minor trademarks of which very little information is available, essentially the name and nationality and little else. The page is basically a collection point for references to these trademarks, and a notebook where you can note the few data relating to them. The information is therefore extremely limited and fragmented. Be aware that it contains references just for the pages with an english version, the full list for the original italian pages is mantained in [[:Category:Marche minori|this other page]].
This page contains the names of a series of minor trademarks of which very little information is available, essentially the name and nationality and little else. The page is basically a collection point for references to these trademarks, and a notebook where you can note the few data relating to them. The information is therefore extremely limited and fragmented. Be aware that it contains references just for the pages with an english version, the full list for the original italian pages is mantained in [[:Category:Marchi minori|this other page]].